⚠️ このプロジェクトは現在開発中です。Flappyの初版 をできるだけ早くリリースするために、一生懸命に作業しています。お楽しみに!ドキュメンテーションとコード例は近日公開予定です。
- NodeJS (TypeScript)
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
npm install @plesito/node-flappy@next
# or yarn add @pleisto/node-flappy@next
// plugins
id("com.google.osdetector") version "1.7.3"
// dependencies
<PackageReference Include="Pleisto.Flappy" Version="" />
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with ChatGPT
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with Baichuan-53B API
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
// you need to manually install `openai` package.
import { env } from 'node:process'
import OpenAI from 'openai'
import { ChatGPT } from '@pleisto/node-flappy'
const chatGpt = new ChatGPT(
new OpenAI({
apiKey: env.OPENAI_API_KEY!,
import { env } from 'node:process'
import { Baichuan } from '@pleisto/node-flappy'
const chatGpt = new Baichuan(
baichuan_api_key: env.BAICHUAN_API_KEY!,
baichuan_secret_key: env.BAICHUAN_SECRET_KEY!,
Dotenv dotenv = Dotenv.load();
ChatGPT llm = new ChatGPT(new ChatGPT.ChatGPTConfig(null, dotenv.get("OPENAI_TOKEN"), dotenv.get("OPENAI_API_BASE")));
val dotenv = dotenv()
val llm = ChatGPT(
ChatGPT.ChatGPTConfig(token = dotenv["OPENAI_TOKEN"], host = dotenv["OPENAI_API_BASE"])
var gpt35 = new ChatGPT(new OpenAIAPI
Auth = new APIAuthentication(apiKey: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_KEY")),
ApiUrlFormat = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_URL"),
ApiVersion = "v1",
}, "gpt-3.5-turbo", null, null);
Flappyのエコシステムでは、エージェントはLLMの多目的な伝送路として作用します。エージェントは、データの構造化、外部APIの呼び出し、またはLLMが生成したPythonコードのサンドボックス化など、様々なタスクを必要に応じて組み合わせて処理するように設計されています 。これは硬直した歯車ではなく、効率的で安全なLLMのインタラクションを必要に応じて適応する柔軟なツールです。
はエージェントが環境と対話するための機能を提供し、LangchainのAgentsのToolsに類似しています。これは入力と出力のパラメータで定義され、その構造はLanguage Learning Model (LLM)が効率的に対話するために明確である必要があります。これらのパラメータと関数がユーザーのリクエストや世界との対話において果たす役割を理解することは、効率的なタスク計画のために重要です。SythesizedFunction
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with ChatGPT
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
import { createFlappyAgent, createInvokeFunction, createSynthesizedFunction, createCodeInterpreter, z } from '@pleisto/node-flappy'
enum Verdict {
Innocent = 'Innocent',
Guilty = 'Guilty',
Unknown = 'Unknown'
"As Alex Jones continues telling his Infowars audience about his money problems and pleads for them to buy his products, his own documents show life is not all that bad — his net worth is around $14 million and his personal spending topped $93,000 in July alone, including thousands of dollars on meals and entertainment. The conspiracy theorist and his lawyers file monthly financial reports in his personal bankruptcy case, and the latest one has struck a nerve with the families of victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They're still seeking the $1.5 billion they won last year in lawsuits against Jones and his media company for repeatedly calling the 2012 massacre a hoax on his shows. “It is disturbing that Alex Jones continues to spend money on excessive household expenditures and his extravagant lifestyle when that money rightfully belongs to the families he spent years tormenting,” said Christopher Mattei, a Connecticut lawyer for the families. “The families are increasingly concerned and will continue to contest these matters in court.” In an Aug. 29 court filing, lawyers for the families said that if Jones doesn’t reduce his personal expenses to a “reasonable” level, they will ask the bankruptcy judge to bar him from “further waste of estate assets,” appoint a trustee to oversee his spending, or dismiss the bankruptcy case. On his Infowars show Tuesday, Jones said he’s not doing anything wrong."
const agent = createFlappyAgent({
llm: chatGpt,
// Define your agent's features.
features: [
name: 'getMeta',
description: 'Extract meta data from a lawsuit full text.',
args: z.object({
lawsuit: z.string().describe('Lawsuit full text.')
returnType: z.object({
verdict: z.nativeEnum(Verdict),
plaintiff: z.string(),
defendant: z.string(),
judgeOptions: z.array(z.string())
name: 'getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff',
description: 'Get the latest lawsuits by plaintiff.',
args: z.object({
plaintiff: z.string(),
arg1: z.boolean().describe('For demo purpose. set to False'),
arg2: z.array(z.string()).describe('ignore it').optional()
returnType: z.string(),
resolve: async args => {
// Do something
// e.g. query SQL database
console.debug('getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff called', args)
public class Law {
public static final String LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT = "Find the latest case with the plaintiff being families of victims and return its metadata.";
static final String MOCK_LAWSUIT_DATA =
"As Alex Jones continues telling his Infowars audience about his money problems and pleads for them to buy his products, his own documents show life is not all that bad — his net worth is around $14 million and his personal spending topped $93,000 in July alone, including thousands of dollars on meals and entertainment. The conspiracy theorist and his lawyers file monthly financial reports in his personal bankruptcy case, and the latest one has struck a nerve with the families of victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They're still seeking the $1.5 billion they won last year in lawsuits against Jones and his media company for repeatedly calling the 2012 massacre a hoax on his shows. “It is disturbing that Alex Jones continues to spend money on excessive household expenditures and his extravagant lifestyle when that money rightfully belongs to the families he spent years tormenting,” said Christopher Mattei, a Connecticut lawyer for the families. “The families are increasingly concerned and will continue to contest these matters in court.” In an Aug. 29 court filing, lawyers for the families said that if Jones doesn’t reduce his personal expenses to a “reasonable” level, they will ask the bankruptcy judge to bar him from “further waste of estate assets,” appoint a trustee to oversee his spending, or dismiss the bankruptcy case. On his Infowars show Tuesday, Jones said he’s not doing anything wrong.";
public static FlappyFeatureBase<?, ?> lawGetLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff = new FlappyInvokeFunction(
"Get the latest lawsuits by plaintiff.",
(a, agent, $completion) -> MOCK_LAWSUIT_DATA
public static FlappyFeatureBase<?, ?> lawGetMeta = new FlappySynthesizedFunction(
"Extract meta data from a lawsuit full text.",
public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
Dotenv dotenv = Dotenv.load();
ChatGPT llm = new ChatGPT(new ChatGPT.ChatGPTConfig(null, dotenv.get("OPENAI_TOKEN"), dotenv.get("OPENAI_API_BASE")));
FlappyBaseAgent agent = new FlappyBaseAgent(
llm, Arrays.asList(lawGetMeta, lawGetLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff)
public enum Verdict {
Innocent, Guilty, Unknown
public static class LawMetaReturn {
Verdict verdict;
String plaintiff;
String defendant;
List<String> judgeOptions;
public Verdict getVerdict() {
return verdict;
public void setVerdict(Verdict verdict) {
this.verdict = verdict;
public String getPlaintiff() {
return plaintiff;
public void setPlaintiff(String plaintiff) {
this.plaintiff = plaintiff;
public String getDefendant() {
return defendant;
public void setDefendant(String defendant) {
this.defendant = defendant;
public List<String> getJudgeOptions() {
return judgeOptions;
public void setJudgeOptions(List<String> judgeOptions) {
this.judgeOptions = judgeOptions;
static class GetLatestLawsuitsArguments {
String plaintiff;
@FlappyField(description = "For demo purpose. set to False")
Boolean arg1;
@FlappyField(description = "ignore it", optional = true)
List<String> arg2 = null;
public String getPlaintiff() {
return plaintiff;
public void setPlaintiff(String plaintiff) {
this.plaintiff = plaintiff;
public Boolean getArg1() {
return arg1;
public void setArg1(Boolean arg1) {
this.arg1 = arg1;
public List<String> getArg2() {
return arg2;
public void setArg2(List<String> arg2) {
this.arg2 = arg2;
static class LawMetaArguments {
@FlappyField(description = "Lawsuit full text.")
String lawsuit;
public String getLawsuit() {
return lawsuit;
public void setLawsuit(String lawsuit) {
this.lawsuit = lawsuit;
import flappy.FlappyBaseAgent
import flappy.annotations.FlappyField
import flappy.features.FlappyInvokeFunction
import flappy.features.FlappySynthesizedFunction
import flappy.llms.ChatGPT
import io.github.cdimascio.dotenv.dotenv
enum class Verdict {
Innocent, Guilty, Unknown
"""As Alex Jones continues telling his Infowars audience about his money problems and pleads for them to buy his products, his own documents show life is not all that bad — his net worth is around $14 million and his personal spending topped $93,000 in July alone, including thousands of dollars on meals and entertainment. The conspiracy theorist and his lawyers file monthly financial reports in his personal bankruptcy case, and the latest one has struck a nerve with the families of victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They're still seeking the $1.5 billion they won last year in lawsuits against Jones and his media company for repeatedly calling the 2012 massacre a hoax on his shows. “It is disturbing that Alex Jones continues to spend money on excessive household expenditures and his extravagant lifestyle when that money rightfully belongs to the families he spent years tormenting,” said Christopher Mattei, a Connecticut lawyer for the families. “The families are increasingly concerned and will continue to contest these matters in court.” In an Aug. 29 court filing, lawyers for the families said that if Jones doesn’t reduce his personal expenses to a “reasonable” level, they will ask the bankruptcy judge to bar him from “further waste of estate assets,” appoint a trustee to oversee his spending, or dismiss the bankruptcy case. On his Infowars show Tuesday, Jones said he’s not doing anything wrong."""
class LawMetaArguments(
@FlappyField(description = "Lawsuit full text.")
val lawsuit: String
class LawMetaReturn(
val verdict: Verdict,
val plaintiff: String,
val defendant: String,
val judgeOptions: List<String>
val lawGetMeta = FlappySynthesizedFunction(
name = "getMeta",
description = "Extract meta data from a lawsuit full text.",
args = LawMetaArguments::class.java,
returnType = LawMetaReturn::class.java,
class GetLatestLawsuitsArguments(
val plaintiff: String,
@FlappyField(description = "For demo purpose. set to False")
val arg1: Boolean,
@FlappyField(description = "ignore it", optional = true)
val arg2: List<String>?
val lawGetLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff = FlappyInvokeFunction(
name = "getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff",
description = "Get the latest lawsuits by plaintiff.",
args = GetLatestLawsuitsArguments::class.java,
returnType = String::class.java,
invoker = { _, _ -> MOCK_LAWSUIT_DATA }
"Find the latest case with the plaintiff being families of victims and return its metadata."
suspend fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val dotenv = dotenv()
val chatGPT = ChatGPT(
ChatGPT.ChatGPTConfig(token = dotenv["OPENAI_TOKEN"], host = dotenv["OPENAI_API_BASE"])
val agent = FlappyBaseAgent(
maxRetry = 2,
inferenceLLM = chatGPT,
features = listOf(lawGetMeta, lawGetLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff)
internal class LawCase
public static void Main()
var gpt35 = new ChatGPT(new OpenAIAPI
Auth = new APIAuthentication(apiKey: Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_KEY")),
ApiUrlFormat = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENAI_API_URL"),
ApiVersion = "v1",
}, "gpt-3.5-turbo", null, Logger.CreateLogger<ChatGPT>());
var lawAgent = new FlappyAgent(new FlappyAgentConfig
LLM = gpt35,
Features = new IFlappyFeature[]
new SynthesizedFeature<getMeta_Args,getMeta_Return,FlappyFeatureOption>(new SynthesizedFeatureDefinition<getMeta_Args,getMeta_Return>
Name = "getMeta",
Description = "Extract meta data from a lawsuit full text.",
Args = new getMeta_Args(),
ReturnType = new getMeta_Return()
new InvokeFeature<getLatestLawsuits_Args,getMeta_Args,FlappyFeatureOption>(new InvokeFeatureDefinition<getLatestLawsuits_Args, getMeta_Args>
Name = "getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff",
Description= "Get the latest lawsuits by plaintiff.",
Args = new getLatestLawsuits_Args(),
ReturnType = new getMeta_Args(),
Resolve = (args) =>
Console.WriteLine($"====================== getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff call =========================");
Console.WriteLine($"getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff called");
Console.WriteLine($"====================== getLatestLawsuitsByPlaintiff call =========================");
return Task.FromResult(new getMeta_Args
}, null, null, Logger.CreateLogger<FlappyAgent>());
private const string LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT = "Find the resume of a frontend engineer and return their metadata.";
private const string MOCK_LAWSUIT_DATA =
"As Alex Jones continues telling his Infowars audience about his money problems and pleads for them to buy his products, his own documents show life is not all that bad — his net worth is around $14 million and his personal spending topped $93,000 in July alone, including thousands of dollars on meals and entertainment. The conspiracy theorist and his lawyers file monthly financial reports in his personal bankruptcy case, and the latest one has struck a nerve with the families of victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They're still seeking the $1.5 billion they won last year in lawsuits against Jones and his media company for repeatedly calling the 2012 massacre a hoax on his shows. “It is disturbing that Alex Jones continues to spend money on excessive household expenditures and his extravagant lifestyle when that money rightfully belongs to the families he spent years tormenting,” said Christopher Mattei, a Connecticut lawyer for the families. “The families are increasingly concerned and will continue to contest these matters in court.” In an Aug. 29 court filing, lawyers for the families said that if Jones doesn’t reduce his personal expenses to a “reasonable” level, they will ask the bankruptcy judge to bar him from “further waste of estate assets,” appoint a trustee to oversee his spending, or dismiss the bankruptcy case. On his Infowars show Tuesday, Jones said he’s not doing anything wrong.";
internal class getLatestLawsuits_Args
public string plantiff { get; set; }
[Description("For demo purpose. set to False")]
public bool arg1 { get; set; }
[Description("ignore it")]
public bool arg2 { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return JObject.FromObject(this).ToString();
internal class getMeta_Args
[Description("Lawsuit full text.")]
public string lawsuit { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return JObject.FromObject(this).ToString();
[JsonObject(ItemRequired = Required.Always)]
public class getMeta_Return
public Verdict verdict { get; set; } = Verdict.Unknow;
public string plaintiff { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string defendant { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public string[] judgeOptions { get; set; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public override string ToString()
return JObject.FromObject(this).ToString();
public enum Verdict
Call your agent
Create and execute a action plan
Augmented Language Models (ALMs) blend the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) with tools that allow for knowledge retrieval and action execution. Existing ALM systems trigger LLM thought processes while pulling observations from these tools in an interleaved fashion. Specifically, an LLM reasons to call an external tool, gets halted to fetch the tool's response, and then decides the next action based on all preceding response tokens. Such a paradigm, though straightforward and easy to implement, often leads to huge computation complexity from redundant prompts and repeated execution.
Flappy uses ReWOO instead of ReAct to minimize LLM token output, thereby reducing costs. Building on this, the agent is equipped to autonomously devise a plan based on the user's prompt. This involves determining the sequence of functions that need to be invoked to fulfill the given prompt. The execution then proceeds according to this formulated plan, further optimizing the efficiency of our system.
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with ChatGPT
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
agent.executePlan('Find the latest case with the plaintiff being families of victims and return its metadata.')
Future<LawMetaReturn> future = lawAgent.executePlanAsync(LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT);
lawAgent.use {
var data = lawAgent.ExecutePlan(LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Call synthesized function directly
You can also call synthesized function directly without executing a action plan.
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with ChatGPT
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
agent.callFeature('getMeta', {lawsuit: MOCK_LAWSUIT_DATA})
Future<String> future = agent.callFeatureAsync("getMeta", LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT);
agent.use {
val future = it.callFeature<String>("getMeta", LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT)
var result = await agent.CallFeature<TestObject>(callName, LAW_EXECUTE_PLAN_PROMPT);
Call Code Interpreter
Code Interpreter currently needs to be called directly. We are working on a better way to integrate it with the agent.
- NodeJS (TypeScript) with ChatGPT
- Java
- Kotlin
- C#
'There are some rabbits and chickens in a barn. What is the number of chickens if there are 396 legs and 150 heads in the barn?'
// or call feature directly:
agent.callFeature('pythonSandbox', {
code: 'There are some rabbits and chickens in a barn. What is the number of chickens if there are 396 legs and 150 heads in the barn?'
Future<String> future = agent.executePlanAsync("There are some rabbits and chickens in a barn. What is the number of chickens if there are 396 legs and 150 heads in the barn?");
agent.use {
it.executePlan<String>("There are some rabbits and chickens in a barn. What is the number of chickens if there are 396 legs and 150 heads in the barn?")
var data = lawAgent.ExecutePlan("There are some rabbits and chickens in a barn. What is the number of chickens if there are 396 legs and 150 heads in the barn?").GetAwaiter().GetResult();